Monday the 7-4-14

What a great day, the first real day of the easter holidays, Game of Thrones back on the telly the only downside was the rain but luckly at Mayhem we have plenty of cover and indoor areas, and our urban playing field is practially indoor.  This time of year the tree canopay is really thick and acts like a roof, also unique to us is our safe areas on ever field which are roofed so you can take off your goggles and get them cleaned in between each game and stay in the dry.
We have games on all over easter Thursday is our Paintball scenario day based on Call of Duty Ghoosts so if your about please book in.
Finally some feed back from yesterdays game.
I just wanted to thank you for making Jacks 16 th birthday memorable! They all thoroughly enjoyed their day and are eagerly trying to work out when they can return!
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