Paintball Map - Shipment
Shipment, our replica of the famous Call of Duty Map! It is intense CQB, perfect for Paintballing and Airsoft!
Check out the video Filimed by True Mobster on our Shipment Map, Why not try you Call of Duty Expereince!
- Control the barn as it will allow you get behind the opposing team use the height of the walls of the barn so you can stand up and shoot over the bales.
- From the bottom end get the coach and snipe the players behind the cars
- Use the coach to stop people moving down the left hand side
- Get up to the wooden box it has good angles and allows you to move forward from either end
- From the top end get the blue car on the far left, it controls the left hand side allows you to move up to the box and also you can stop people moving up out the barn if everything goes wrong.